Dr. Stefanie Krapp Leiterin Bereich Evaluation Telefon +41 31 684 31 59 E-Mail stefanie.krapp@unibe.ch Büro A111 (UniS, Altbau, 1. OG) Postadresse Universität Bern Zentrum für universitäre Weiterbildung ZUW Schanzeneckstrasse 1 Postfach 3001 Bern Schweiz LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/dr-stefanie-krapp-66807233/
Aufgaben Bereichsleitung Evaluation: Leitung und strategische Weiterentwicklung des Bereichs Evaluation, Studienleitung CAS Evaluation
Kompetenzen Proven track record of more than 20 years’ experience in commissioning, designing, steering and conducting project/program/thematic/strategic evaluations, as well as developing and implementing Monitoring and Evaluation Systems, mainly in the field of international development cooperation; Primary working areas and sectorial competences: international development cooperation projects and programs in the fields of private sector development, cooperation with the private sector in development cooperation, sustainable economic development, education and technical vocational education and training; Experienced in applied evaluation research: Rigorous Impact Evaluation, quasi-experimental research designs, theory-based evaluations, ex-ante, formative and ex-post evaluations; Strong background in qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research: Development and implementation of standardized and non-standardized data-collection instruments and analysis methods, observation; Conceptual knowledge and practical experience in Evaluation Capacity Development in partner countries, advising on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Strategy development, as well as designing evaluation training programs and as trainer of M&E further education and training courses; Vastly experienced in developing Theories of Change together with partner organizations: at start of program implementation and as basis for evaluations; Familiar with AEA, EES, DeGEval and OECD-DAC evaluation standards, a wide range of technical cooperation instruments, GIZ approaches and various cross-cutting issues (e.g. gender, human-rights based approach, SDGs)