Lifelong Learning Center

Our Social Media

Your input counts!

Do you have exciting topics for our social media channels? We welcome input from employees, participants and alumni of the continuing education and lifelong learning programs at the University of Bern.

Do you have news, impressions or valuable insights from your degree programs and courses that we can report on? News about continuing education and university lifelong learning that might also be exciting for others? A look behind the scenes?

Share with us what moves the Lifelong Learning community - we will discuss your suggestions in our editorial meeting and coordinate them with our communication channels.

Do you have an idea? Send us your input to:

The Lifelong Learning Center is on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.

Click on the icons below, follow the pages and discover the diversity of lifelong learning at the University of Bern!

Increase the reach of your posts on our channels

Comment on or share our posts in your personal networks. This will significantly increase the reach of our channels and your posts on them.
If you have any questions about social media and other communication issues in the field of lifelong learning, please contact the Communication and Marketing LLC unit.