Courses for high school students
Studying before your baccalaureate: Taking part in an academic learning offer from high school.
Courses for high school students give talented and academically interested high school students the opportunity to study at the University of Bern: Alongside school, they can attend courses from virtually every subject in the normal course of instruction at the University of Bern. Those taking part can even sit examinations. These results cannot, however, be directly credited to a later course of study. These courses are designed to give high school students an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in a particular discipline, put their skills to the test and prepare for their university studies.

Target group
The offer is geared toward motivated high school students from the Canton of Bern and the surrounding cantons who are interested in research, normally from the third year of high school (GYM3) or an equivalent level of education.
Interested students register through their school – every high school has a contact person for the advancement of gifted students.
Tuition fees
There are no tuition fees for courses for high school students.